Published Papers

Trade and Technology Adoption in Distorted Economies with Ahmad Lashkaripour and Heitor Pellegrina (PDF) (Replication files) (Published version)  
Journal of International Economics (2024)

Root Growing and Path Dependence in Location Choice: Evidence from Danish Refugee Placement with David Jinkins (Working Paper) (Published version)
Regional Science and Urban Economics (2024)

Trade, Technology, and Agricultural Productivity with Heitor Pellegrina
(Published version) (Longer version: Aug 2022) (NBER WP) (STEG WP) (Replication files)
Journal of Political Economy (2023)

Skill, Agglomeration, and Inequality in the Spatial Economy  (PDF) (Replication files) (Published version)
International Economic Review (2021)

Global Sourcing in Oil Markets (PDF) (Online Appendix) (Replication files) (Published version)
Journal of International Economics (2020)

Land Use in Computable General Equilibrium Models with F. Taheripour, X. Zhao, M. Horridge, and W. Tyner  (Published version)  
Journal of Global Economic Analysis (2020)

Wage Inequality and the Location of Cities with David Jinkins (PDF) (Replication files) (Published version)
Journal of Urban Economics (2019)

Working Papers

Trade Elasticities in General Equilibrium: Demand, Supply, and Aggregation with Anson Soderbery (Last version: Feb 2024)  (Replication files)
Accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics

Can Trade Policy Mitigate Climate Change? with Ahmad Lashkaripour
(Last version: Feb 2024) (Slides) (Older Working Paper: STEG) (Coverage: EconoFact)
R&R (2nd round) at Econometrica

Deforestation: A Global and Dynamic Perspective with Elliot Kang, Heitor Pellegrina, and Sebastian Sotelo 
(Last version: March 2024) (Coverage: TradeTalks) 

Gains from Trade and the Food Engel Curve with Chong Xiang and David Jinkins (IZA WP Sep 2022)  

Work in Progress

The Climate Cost of Trade Agreements with Ahmad Lashkaripour and Homa Taheri
International Agreements on Trade and Climate: A Pareto-Improving Perspective with Ahmad Lashkaripour